Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Desmond and Jude back up for grabs!



Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, Desmond and Jude are back at the Ling home for a few days of foster care. I say "a few days" because that's how long it will take you to call the Humane Society at (902)892-1190 to get your adoption application and information. Hurry!

Here's what I can tell you about Des:
- he poops outside
- he is working REALLY HARD on peeing outside, but puppy bladders are tiny and humans are slow sometimes
- he likes to cuddle
- he especially likes to cuddle while he's sleeping
- he is very well crate trained for overnight sleeping

Here's what I can tell you about both boys:
- they are patiently waiting for their forever friends to come find them
- they'll be in Ling foster care until they do!

So, if Desmond or Jude is your dog but we just haven't realized it yet, call the shelter and set up a time to come meet him!

The boys are both at the shelter today, March 1st, for "doggy day-care!" Go meet them!


maranaovoice said...

oh what a cute dog!!!

Horse Classifieds said...

Nice post! i like it ...Thank you for sharing it.